COVID-19 Precautions
Harvard Club leadership and staff have moved cautiously forward with plans to re-open for modified operations during Phase II of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ reopening strategy. The Club officially reopened on June 30, 2020.
We have taken a very cautious approach to our re-opening, to best ensure the safety of our members and staff. You will notice some changes at the Club, and they have been put in place to ensure that we can provide the most safe and sanitary environment possible for the greater good. These include:
You’ll need to sign a waiver before you may use the Clubhouse.
For the time being, you must enter the Clubhouse via the parking lot entrance.
When you arrive, you’ll have your temperature taken.
You’ll be required to wear a mask at all times except when dining.
Only the first floor of the building will be available.
We’ve re-imagined and reconfigured Harvard Hall as a dedicated member space for you to work or relax, in a socially distant manner.
Dinner is served from 5:00 – 8:30pm, Wednesday through Saturday.